HM17 session summary: Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant special interest forum
May 31, 2017
The Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant (NP/PA) special interest forum at HM17 drew more than 60 providers including, NPs, PAs, and physicians.
SHM group membership strengthens teams, builds leaders at iNDIGO
May 30, 2017
James W. Levy, PA-C, SFHM, managing partner at iNDIGO Health Partners, discusses the benefits that SHM’s group membership has brought to the iNDIGO hospital medicine team.
Grassroots policymaking demands that hospitalists team up
May 25, 2017
LAS VEGAS – The potential repeal of ACA insurance reforms have taken center stage in the media, but SHM leaders urged hospitalists to focus more on MACRA.
Making sense of MACRA: MIPS and Advanced APMs
May 24, 2017
A guide for hospitalists preparing for MACRA’s Quality Payment Program
Practice management skills more relevant than ever
May 24, 2017
LAS VEGAS – Welcome to managing a practice, circa 2017. The day-to-day doings of an HM group – recruiting, retention, compensation, scheduling and more – are the backbone of the specialty.
HM17 session summary: The art of story in delivering memorable lectures
May 23, 2017
One HM17 session gave learners a different paradigm in thinking about the structure and organization of presentations, for a more dynamic and engaging lecture.
HM17 plenaries: Hospital medicine leading health care shift to value, quality
May 22, 2017
LAS VEGAS – The three plenary speakers at HM17 said the destination that U.S. health care is traveling is pretty clear: a system that increasingly rewards quality care delivered at lower costs.
HM17 session summary: Building a practice that people want to be part of
May 22, 2017
Creating a “culture of ownership” by recruiting the right people, promoting physician leadership, and improving structural elements such as compensation model and schedule were topics discussed in a practice management precourse at HM17.
Sneak Peek: The Hospital Leader Blog
May 17, 2017
The relationship between a hospitalist and the group he or she is part of is a lot like a marriage.
On 15 years: Celebrating a nocturnist’s career longevity
May 11, 2017
On a regular basis, I talk with hospitalist groups lamenting their inability to find nocturnists willing to work the same number of hours and shifts as their day doctors, for little or no additional compensation.