ABIM and the future of maintaining certification
April 23, 2020
Beginning this year hospitalists will have a choice for how they maintain their certification.
Transitions: From editor to president
April 21, 2020
Dr. Danielle Scheurer is the outgoing medical editor of The Hospitalist, and president-elect of SHM.
The future of hospital medicine
April 7, 2020
There are many twists and turns in the road that will affect hospitalists’ ability to carve out a brighter future.
Meet the new SHM president: Dr. Danielle Scheurer
April 6, 2020
Danielle Scheurer is the outgoing medical editor of The Hospitalist, and the new president of SHM.
Two decades of leadership
March 27, 2020
Dr. Larry Wellikson has a deep appreciation of the relationships that he has developed and nurtured.
Step 1 scoring moves to pass/fail: Hospitalists’ role and unintended consequences
March 25, 2020
The change to a pass/fail Step 1 exam will likely do little to address the expanding gulf between the UME and GME communities.
Designing an effective onboarding program
March 19, 2020
The first year remains the most vulnerable period for a new hospitalist.
Hospitalist movers and shakers – March 2020
March 18, 2020
Take note of some recent career transitions in the hospital medicine community.
Hospital medicine physician leaders
March 13, 2020
Lead hospitalist duties can extend from daily operations to leading the strategic vision of a health system.
A match made in medicine: Match Day 2020
March 12, 2020
Preparing for Match Day includes an extensive checklist of life-altering to-dos that shape your career trajectory.