SHM Converge to be an ‘intellectual feast’
March 1, 2021
A year of planning for SHM Converge has produced a lineup of world-class speakers.
SHM Converge: New format, fresh content
February 24, 2021
The Converge conference will still be offering networking sessions throughout – even in the virtual conference environment.
JHM Twitter chat sparks connections
February 2, 2021
“No matter how engaged you are with Twitter, if you have 10,000 followers or 10, we’ll amplify your voice,” said Dr. Charlie Wray.
Hospitalist movers and shakers: January 2021
January 26, 2021
Take note of some recent career transitions in the hospital medicine community.
How can hospitalists change the status quo?
January 13, 2021
There is no hard and fast rule about the way health care should adopt Lean thinking.
Racism in medicine: Implicit and explicit
January 4, 2021
Health care systems need to move toward equity rather than focusing on equality.
Leading in crisis
December 23, 2020
You can’t be a good runner or a good leader when you are totally depleted.
Flattening the hierarchy
December 18, 2020
Hospitalists can learn lessons from the airline industry about how to build a nonhierarchical team.
Leading hospitalists during a pandemic
December 4, 2020
Effective crisis leadership must guide hospitalists through the winter of COVID-19.
COVID redefines curriculum for hospitalists-in-training
December 3, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic forced medical schools to get back to basics.