Insulin Rules in the Hospital
November 10, 2014
Although new medications to manage and treat hyperglycemia and diabetes continuously appear on the market, national guidelines and position statements consistently refer to insulin as the treatment of choice in the inpatient hospital setting. “When patients are admitted to the hospital, our stand
Medication Reconciliation Toolkit Updated, Available to Hospitalists
November 2, 2014
Medication Reconciliation Toolkit Updated, Available to Hospitalists
Registration for ASHP’s Medication Safety Collaborative Still Open
May 2, 2014
SHM members can register for specialty meeting held within American Society of Health-System Pharmacist’s conference starting May 31 in Las Vegas
MARQUIS Highlights Need for Improved Medication Reconciliation
October 1, 2013
Thorough, vetted medication history on admission is key to smooth hospital stay, discharge
Society of Hospital Medicine’s MARQUIS Initiative Highlights Need For Improved Medication Reconciliation
October 1, 2013
Thorough, vetted medication history on admission key to smooth hospital stay, discharge for patients
Drive Change in an ACO
April 30, 2013
Change your mindset and consider four key strategies
Consider Patient Safety, Outcomes Risk before Prescribing Off-Label Drugs
December 2, 2012
Once a drug has been approved for use, if, in your clinical judgment there are other indications for which it could be beneficial, then you are well within your rights to prescribe it
Study: Collaborative Approach to Med Rec Effective, Cost-Efficient
August 7, 2012
Adverse-drug-event prevention is a “team game,” says researcher
Report: Pharmacist-Led Interventions Don’t Reduce Medication Errors Post-Discharge
August 1, 2012
Unexpectedly low health literacy muted efficacy of post-discharge follow-ups, hospitalist says
Collaboration Prevents Identification Band Errors
July 31, 2012
Can a quality-improvement collaborative decrease patient ID band errors?