ICU infections and all-cause hospital mortality rate
August 30, 2021
Was prevalence of infection associated with outcomes among ICU patients in 2017?
Mental health after ICU: It’s complicated
August 18, 2021
A prospective study in Brazil finds a range of factors that influence susceptibility to anxiety, depression, and PTSD following ICU stays.
Fluid type, rate do not curb 90-day mortality rate in ICU patients requiring fluid challenges
August 17, 2021
A balanced solution was no better than normal saline and a slower IV bolus rate was no better than a faster rate in a multicenter randomized trial.
Long COVID seen in patients with severe and mild disease
July 20, 2021
A Swiss study shows how even mild COVID cases can lead to debilitating symptoms, according to Dr. Christopher Terndrup.
Early high-dose vitamin D3 did not reduce mortality in critically ill, vitamin D–deficient patients
June 11, 2021
Does early administration of high-dose vitamin D3 in critically ill, vitamin D–deficient patients reduce 90-day all-cause mortality?
In-hospital resuscitation: Focus on effective chest pumps, prompt shocks
June 3, 2021
Consider mechanical piston compressions and even “reverse CPR” when appropriate.
Avoiding excess oxygen in mechanically ventilated patients ‘seems sensible’
June 2, 2021
Future trials “will have to address how a particular [oxygenation] target is both set and achieved in each group of patients, particularly those with specific organ injuries.”
Hospitalists innovate in ICU management
June 1, 2021
Hospitalists helped develop and staff critical care programs to optimize patient care during the pandemic.
Procalcitonin-guided antibiotic stewardship for lower respiratory tract infection
May 18, 2021
For hospitalists, the most clinically useful role for PCT testing is to guide the duration of antibiotic therapy.
Evidence or anecdote: Clinical judgment in COVID care
May 4, 2021
Friendly debate emphasizes the need to weigh evidence for drug treatment of COVID-19.