Tranexamic acid minimized perioperative bleeding in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery
August 1, 2022
Dr. Menon Clinical question: Does tranexamic acid reduce the incidence of life-threatening perioperative bleeding in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery without increasing the risk of major...
IV fluid resuscitation at a slow rate in ICU patients did not reduce 90-day mortality
August 1, 2022
Mr. Haller Clinical question: Is there a difference in the 90-day mortality for patients admitted to the ICU receiving a fast (999 mL/hour) versus slow (333 mL/hour) IV infusion...
DES reduce the risk of ISR in patients with ICAS compared to BMS
August 1, 2022
Dr. Snipe Clinical question: In patients with symptomatic high-grade intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis (ICAS), does the use of a drug-eluting stent (DES) reduce the incidence of in-stent...
Adding a new antihypertensive medication is associated with improved blood pressure lowering
August 1, 2022
Dr. Chevli Clinical question: Which is the better strategy for treatment intensification in older patients with hypertension—maximizing the antihypertensive or adding a new...
How to Treat Heart Failure: New Updates
August 1, 2022
Case A 76-year-old man with a medical history of congestive heart failure (CHF) with left ventricular ejection fraction of 30%, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and recent hospitalization for CHF...
Gun Violence is a Public Health Crisis and as Hospitalists, It’s Time to Step Up
July 12, 2022
I did not think that becoming a pediatric hospitalist would require me to become an expert in firearm injury, but here I am. Every day more than 300 people are shot in the United States.1,2 That fact...
Disaster Management Right up Hospitalists’ Alley
July 1, 2022
At all levels of handling disasters—managing capacity, coordination among hospitals, and biocontainment—hospitalists can and should be more involved, panelists said in a session at SHM...
Apps and Gadgets: Tech for Hospitalists
July 1, 2022
KardiaMobile 6L Apps, wearables, and gadgets—hospitalists are well aware that technology is having a profound effect on health care. But you’re probably not aware of everything out there, or...
10 Facts for Hospitalists About Abortion
June 24, 2022
The U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe versus Wade is expected to result in a wave of state laws limiting access to reproductive health. This highlights why clinicians should stay current...
What Do Hospitalists Need to Know About Monkeypox?
June 24, 2022
What is monkeypox? Monkeypox is a rare infection caused by the monkeypox virus. Monkeypox virus belongs to the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. The Orthopoxvirus genus also includes...