FDA approves new antibiotic for HABP/VABP treatment
June 5, 2020
Recarbrio was previously approved by the FDA to treat patients with complicated urinary tract infections and complicated intra-abdominal infections.
Vitamin D: A low-hanging fruit in COVID-19?
May 19, 2020
Experts weigh in on how much vitamin D people need in light of results from new studies.
Hazard pay included in new COVID-19 relief bill
May 14, 2020
A few states and hospital systems are already offering this kind of compensation.
ER docs ask, “Where are our patients?”
May 14, 2020
“The safest place in the world to be right now is the ED.” – Dr. Donald M. Yealy.
Modify risk factors to manage ICU delirium in patients with COVID-19
May 12, 2020
Don’t underestimate impact of social isolation on ICU delirium risk in COVID-19 patients
How to expand the APP role in a crisis
May 11, 2020
The COVID crisis could help to advance the conversation about the appropriate role for APPs and their scope of practice in hospital medicine.
With life in the balance, a pediatric palliative care program expands its work to adults
May 8, 2020
“It brings up feelings like I had after 9/11 – a unified approach to surviving this as people, as a community, the idea that ‘we will get through this,’ ” said Dr. Frederick J. Kaskel.
Volunteering during the pandemic: What doctors need to know
May 8, 2020
Just as others helped me achieve my goal of volunteering, I hope I can guide those who would like to do similar work by sharing details about my experience and other information I have collected about volunteering.
Pandemic-related stress rising among ICU clinicians
May 7, 2020
Most survey respondents “are taking special measures to limit the potential spread of the virus to their loved ones.”
Sepsis patients with hypothermia face greater mortality risk
May 5, 2020
Is lower body temperature associated with lower rates of sepsis bundle implementation, sicker patients, and poorer outcomes?