Low vitamin D in COVID-19 predicts ICU admission, poor survival
September 18, 2020
The “data give strong observational support to previous suggestions that reduced vitamin D levels may favor the appearance of severe respiratory dysfunction and increase the mortality risk in patients affected with COVID-19,” according to researchers.
Noninvasive ventilation: Options and cautions for patients with COVID-19
September 18, 2020
“When you are intubating someone, whether they have COVID-19 or not, you are in the belly of the beast.”
Distinguishing COVID-19 from flu in kids remains challenging
September 11, 2020
Clinicians need to prepare for managing coinfections of COVID-19 with flu and/or other respiratory viral infections in the upcoming flu season.
AI can pinpoint COVID-19 from chest x-rays
September 11, 2020
“We were able to separate the COVID-19 patients with very high fidelity.”
NYC public hospitals rose to the demands of the COVID-19 crisis
August 31, 2020
“We hospitalists, and all those recruited to act as hospitalists, essentially took responsibility for the COVID response.”
COVID-19 at home: What does optimal care look like?
August 31, 2020
Most attention has focused on the sickest patients, leaving less severe cases to fall through the cracks.
HFNC more comfortable for posthypercapnic patients with COPD
August 19, 2020
High-flow nasal cannula appears to be an effective means of respiratory support for COPD patients extubated after severe hypercapnic respiratory failure.
Rapid cycle pediatric simulation exercises promise improved readiness
August 11, 2020
A nonjudgmental but firm critique of weaknesses during urgent care simulation exercises fosters readiness.
Restrictive IV fluid strategy comparable to usual care for severe sepsis, septic shock
August 7, 2020
Will restrictive IV fluid resuscitation yield similar clinical outcomes for severe sepsis and septic shock similar to those of usual-care resuscitation?
Sepsis: Vitamin C, thiamine, glucocorticoids remain controversial
July 20, 2020
Hospitalists are traditionally well versed in current sepsis guidelines, but time to treatment is paramount, and it can be difficult to stay up to date on the latest studies in the field.