COVID fatigue is setting in
May 13, 2020
My practice has been completely disrupted, but we are open a couple of days a week.
A surge in PTSD may be the ‘new normal’
May 12, 2020
Right now, the best thing that we can do as mental health providers for people impacted by the trauma is provide crisis intervention, said Dr. Sheila Rauch.
Modify risk factors to manage ICU delirium in patients with COVID-19
May 12, 2020
Don’t underestimate impact of social isolation on ICU delirium risk in COVID-19 patients
U.S. is poised to produce a COVID-19 vaccine, but don’t expect it soon
May 12, 2020
Dr. Anthony Fauci told senators not to expect a viable vaccine or an effective treatment in the next 3 months.
States vary in vulnerability to COVID-19 impact
May 12, 2020
Medical support is needed, but “many people are harmed by the economic effects of the pandemic.”
ACR gives guidance on rheumatic disease management during pandemic
May 12, 2020
When COVID-19 is suspected, rheumatic disease patients may continue their hydroxychloroquine but other rheumatic disease treatments may need to be stopped or held.
Bronchoscopy guideline for COVID-19 pandemic: Use sparingly
May 12, 2020
An expert panel has developed recommendations for indications for bronchoscopy and use of personal protective equipment during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many hydroxychloroquine COVID-19 prophylaxis trials lack ECG screening
May 12, 2020
Posted designs for trial assessing hydroxychloroquine as COVID-19 prophylaxis lack ECG-based safety screening and discontinuation triggers.
COVID-19: Telehealth at the forefront of the pandemic
May 12, 2020
Telehealth has emerged as a powerful new resource for health care providers fighting COVID-19.
Practice During the Pandemic
May 12, 2020
I have nothing but sympathy for those who are not emeritus, who have practices to sustain and families to feed.