Phase 3 COVID-19 vaccine trials launching in July, expert says
June 30, 2020
“The good news is that the new coronavirus is relatively stable,” Dr. Paul A. Offit said.
Manage the pandemic with a multidisciplinary coalition
June 30, 2020
Managing the pandemic is dependent on a standardized, interdisciplinary approach that is implemented and evaluated well.
Skin patterns of COVID-19 vary widely
June 29, 2020
“There’s a lot that we still don’t know, and some patterns are going to be outliers,” Dr. Christine Ko said.
How racism contributes to the effects of SARS-CoV-2
June 29, 2020
Underrepresented minorities face systemic bias and racism when interacting with the healthcare system, Dr. Salles writes.
Endothelial injury may play a major role in COVID-19–associated coagulopathy
June 29, 2020
Dr. Alan P. Lyss reviews research suggesting endotheliopathy may be a marker of COVID-19 severity.
ACIP plans priority groups in advance of COVID-19 vaccine
June 29, 2020
Tiered approach to COVID-19 vaccination builds on pandemic flu framework.
How to reboot elective CV procedures after COVID-19 lockdown
June 26, 2020
Top cardiology societies provide strategies and considerations for ramping up elective CV imaging, electrophysiology, and remote arrhythmia monitoring as restrictions ease.
Pregnant women at greater risk for severe COVID-19, CDC says
June 26, 2020
Pregnancy was linked to increased risk of hospitalization, admission to the ICU, and mechanical ventilation, but not death.
COVID-19: ‘dramatic’ surge in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in NYC
June 26, 2020
At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City, first responders faced nearly triple the number of calls for cardiac arrest compared with the same period a year earlier.
COVID-associated pancreatitis may disproportionately affect young, overweight men
June 24, 2020
The endocrine pancreas may be “particularly vulnerable to this infection” and may result in prolonged hospital stays from poor diabetic control.