Congressional Budget Office Says Health-Care Inflation Is Slowing
August 2, 2013
CBO lowers its projections for next decade's spending on Medicare, Medicaid, extended insurance coverage under Affordable Care Act
Technology Developers Encouraged to Make Hospital Pricing More Transparent
August 2, 2013
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to award $120,00 in prizes to creator of intuitive, actionable tools that demystify health care costs for consumers
As Medicare Auditors Seek to Rein in Costs, Hospital Admission Decisions Are Under Microscope
August 2, 2013
Recovery Audit Contractors (RAC) out to identify improper payments made on claims for Medicare beneficiaries
Why Hospitalists Should Provide Patients with Discharge Summaries
August 2, 2013
Simple act could help reduce health-care expenditures, readmissions
Prediction Model Identifies Potentially Avoidable 30-Day Readmissions
July 2, 2013
Can a prediction model based on administrative and clinical data identify potentially avoidable 30-day readmissions in medical patients prior to discharge?
Hospitalist Explains Benefits of Bundling, Other Integration Strategies
July 1, 2013
Monty Duke, MD, of Lancaster (Pa.) General Hospital explains the benefits of bundling and other integration strategies in an era of increased Medicare incentive programs
Are Hospital Readmissions Numbers Fruit of an Imperfect Equation?
July 1, 2013
Medicare says penalties are working, but academic centers and safety-net hospitals are caught in the middle
Hospitalist Pioneer Bob Wachter Says Cost, Waste Reduction Is New Quality Focus
July 1, 2013
Dr. Wachter closed SHM's 2013 annual meeting in National Harbor, MD, with a keynote address that identified cost and waste reduction as new planks of hospitalist's value proposition.
Hospitalist-Focused Strategies to Address Medicare’s Expanded Quality, Efficiency Measures
July 1, 2013
Amount of time, money, resources needed to implement initiatives could put hospitals under duress
Hospitalist-Specific Data Shows Rise in Use of Some CPT Codes
July 1, 2013
State of Hospital Medicine surveys show higher-level inpatient (IP) discharge code and highest-level IP subsequent code used more by hospital medicine groups in 2012 than previous year