US Completes “Largest Takedown” of Federal Health Insurance Fraud
July 7, 2016
MACRA Rule Offers Little Clarity for Hospitalists
July 2, 2016
Last year, Congress put an end to the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR), which had become a yearly battle fought on behalf of and by physicians to prevent significant last-minute cuts to Medicare reimbursement.
Key Medicare Fund Could Exhaust Reserves in 2028: Trustees
June 22, 2016
Lesson in Improper Allocations, Unaccounted for NP/PA Contributions
June 22, 2016
I visited during a hot Florida summer in the mid 1990s and could readily see that the practice was great in most respects. The large multispecialty group had recruited talented hospitalists and had put in place effective operational practices.
Things Hospitalists Want Hospital Administrators to Know
May 24, 2016
I think it is really cool that this publication has a series of articles on “What Cardiologists [or infection disease specialists, nephrologists, etc.] Want Hospitalists to Know.” I’m always interested to see which clinical topics made the list and which I’m already reasonably familiar with versus k
Physicans face changes under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act
April 28, 2016
Many physicians have questions about how they will get paid under the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act but CMS is providing them with answers.
Attributes of Successful Hospitalist Groups
April 27, 2016
In the first two installments of my own list of attributes that are important underpinnings of successful hospitalist groups, I covered group culture and decision making, recruiting, the importance of a written policy and procedure manual and performance dashboard, and roles for advanced practice cl
When Introducing Innovations, Context Matters
April 23, 2016
Are we overlooking factors that could help bring about necessary changes to the healthcare industry? Elliott S.
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Eliminates Two-Midnight Rule’s Inpatient Payment Cuts: Report
April 19, 2016
Medicare will stop imposing an inpatient payment cut to hospitals under the "two-midnight rule," according to a report in Modern Healthcare.
Tips for Policy and Procedure Manuals, Along with Roles for NP/PAs
March 31, 2016
Editor’s note: Second in a three-part series. This month continues my list of important issues that help position your hospitalist group for greatest success.