Advance care planning codes not being used
March 14, 2019
Few physicians are taking advantage of Medicare payment codes that reimburse them for discussing end-of-life planning with patients.
Delaying antibiotics in elderly with UTI linked to higher sepsis, death rates
February 28, 2019
Older patients who were prescribed antibiotics immediately after a UTI diagnosis had the best outcomes in a large study.
Opportunities missed for advance care planning for elderly ICU patients
February 26, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Most ICU patients older than age 65 years had no documented advance care planning.
Noncardiac surgery has 7% covert stroke rate in elderly
February 19, 2019
HONOLULU – Covert strokes were linked with a doubled rate of cognitive decline in older patients after noncardiac surgery.
Statins cut vascular events in elderly patients
February 5, 2019
Analysis challenges current practice of discontinuation after age 75 years.
Can higher MAP post cardiac arrest improve neurologic outcomes?
December 21, 2018
CHICAGO – A target mean arterial pressure higher than what the guidelines recommend appears safe but has mixed results for improving neurologic outcomes.
Acute kidney injury linked to later dementia
October 26, 2018
SAN DIEGO – Vascular disease, especially of the small blood vessels, may be a culprit.
Antipsychotic drugs failed to shorten ICU delirium
October 26, 2018
The mechanisms of brain dysfunction targeted by antipsychotics may not play a major role in delirium.
Stroke risk in elderly following AMI extends to 12 weeks
October 24, 2018
ATLANTA – The prolonged period of heightened risk was evident in patients with both STEMI and NSTEMI.
Readmission to non-index hospital following acute stroke linked to worse outcomes
October 22, 2018
ATLANTA – Study adds to the stroke literature on nationwide estimates of 30-day readmissions.