What Is AI’s Promise and Potential for the Hospitalist?
January 3, 2023
Imagine entering the front door of your hospital to start your busy workday as a hospitalist. The smart hospital, with its smart technology, recognizes you by “reading” your name badge via radio...
Telemedicine to the Rescue
January 3, 2023
Children’s hospitals across the nation have been overwhelmed by the current surge of patients with acute respiratory illnesses.1 The unprecedented demand for acute care has caused critical...
Apps and Gadgets: Tech for Hospitalists
July 1, 2022
KardiaMobile 6L Apps, wearables, and gadgets—hospitalists are well aware that technology is having a profound effect on health care. But you’re probably not aware of everything out there, or...
Sewage as our salvation: Tracking COVID-19
July 22, 2020
What a rich source of information is present in the combination of urine and stool that collectively make up sewage!
Telehealth and medical liability
June 24, 2020
Is the “in-person” standard of care appropriate for telemedicine?
Testing the limits of medical technology
May 29, 2020
Meeting the deadline for opening a drive-through COVID-19 testing center turned out to be impossible.