Hospital Medicine Advocates Aid in Securing $10 Million for National Quality Forum
March 2, 2013
Appeals to Congress by Society of Hospital Medicine members helped secure reauthorization of funding for NQF, a nonprofit organization designed to create consensus around national priorities in healthcare improvement
HMX Term of the Month: Achievement Points
March 2, 2013
Achievement points are awarded to a hospital by comparing an individual hospital’s performance measure rates during a certain period with all hospitals’ rates during the baseline period
Is Your Hospital Medicine Group a Good Candidate for Project BOOST?
March 2, 2013
An eagerness to improve the hospital discharge process is a key quality for Project BOOST candidates
Shaun Frost: Why Hospital Patients’ Expectations Should Dictate Their Care
March 2, 2013
Instead of trying to quantify patient satisfaction, hospitalists should focus on addressing patients’ individual needs and ways to optimize healing
Win Whitcomb: Hospital Value-Based Purchasing Program Adds Measure in Efficiency Domain
March 2, 2013
Medicare spending per beneficiary (MSPB), not healthcare cost or length of stay, will be the first measure used by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to measure hospital efficiency
Choosing Wisely Campaign Initiatives Grounded in Tenets of Hospital Medicine
March 1, 2013
Sponsored by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) Foundation, the campaign's mission to encourage better decision-making, improve healthcare quality, and decrease costs were also part of the initial motivation to develop hospital medicine
Hospital Medicine Leaders Set to Converge for HM13
March 1, 2013
Highlights of the Society of Hospital Medicine's annual meeting include sessions on the Choosing Wisely campaign, health care reform, and patient safety
Experts Debate Pros and Cons of Seven Days On, Seven Days Off Work Schedule
March 1, 2013
Familiar hospital medicine work model popular with some for its distinct time-off structure, criticized by others as inflexible and financially unstable
Hospitalwide Reductions in Pediatric Patient Harm are Achievable
March 1, 2013
Quality care initiatives are needed to eliminate preventable harm, improve safety for pediatric inpatients
Multiple Patient-Safety Events Affect 1 in 1000 Hospitalizations
March 1, 2013
Co-occurring events contributed to longer lengths of stay and higher hospital costs for 30,000 patients in 2004