Admit Documentation
March 1, 2010
Rule changes mean hospitalists need to focus on the basics
Texas-Sized Tort Reform
March 1, 2010
Law caps malpractice awards, lowers premiums, reverses physician exodus
When Should an IVC Filter Be Used to Treat a DVT?
March 1, 2010
Case A 67-year-old man with a history of hypertension presents with a swollen right lower extremity. An ultrasound reveals a DVT, and he is commenced on low-molecular-weight heparin and warfarin. Two days later, he develops slurred speech and right-sided weakness.
A Time to Be Recognized
March 1, 2010
Hospitalists can prepare now for Focused Practice in Hospital Medicine
Group Leaders Can Shift the HM Negotiation Paradigm
March 1, 2010
Whether hospitalists like it or not, the art of negotiation has a significant impact on their daily activities. Negotiations take place with consultants over what the perceived optimal plan of care should be.
Hospital-Acquired Conditions & The Hospitalist
March 1, 2010
HM can take the lead on interventions and lessen the financial impact on institutions' bottom line
Get Well Now
February 2, 2010
A child’s simple admonition sums up the need for healthcare reform
The Year Ahead
February 1, 2010
Cost scrutiny, larger transitions and safety roles top HM's 2010 forecast
Necessary Evil: Change
January 2, 2010
Medicare wipes out consultation codes, which could benefit HM groups
An Imperfect Solution
January 1, 2010
2010 healthcare reform is foundation for systemwide change