Sound Advice
December 2, 2010
Prepare to explain safe and legal disposal of unused prescriptions
The Story of Us
December 2, 2010
Chapter 1: Overcoming threats to quality healthcare in the face of reform
Designed to Harm
December 2, 2010
The building blocks of an inequitable healthcare system
BCBS of North Carolina’s refund to customers due to changes in health reform legislation
November 30, 2010
Bryn Nelson in the October issue of The Hospitalist (see “A Taxing Future for HM?,” p. 16) incorrectly states that Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina’s refund to customers was a result of an overcharge.
A Bundle of Nerves
November 2, 2010
Early returns on payment reform demonstration projects show successes, but skeptics question why alternatives aren’t explored
A Taxing Future for HM?
November 1, 2010
Washington is poised to take a bite out of your paycheck
Concurrent Care
November 1, 2010
How hospitalist services can justify daily care
You Can See 40 a Day
November 1, 2010
New system would allow hospitalists to “orchestrate” patient care
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Trial by Error: An Oklahoma Hospital’s Bundling Experience
November 1, 2010
Hillcrest Medical Center’s first-year experience with bundled payments provides an illuminating window into what other hospitals might encounter as the payment reform concept expands beyond the first few pilot sites.
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Early-Career Hospitalists Spark Growth in On-Site Night Coverage
October 1, 2010
More than two-thirds of HM programs provide on-site coverage at night; millennials' belief in work-life balance fuels "clearly defined" schedules