Quick Byte: U.S. health care can still innovate
March 13, 2018
The United States health care system has many problems, but it also promotes more innovation than its counterparts in other nations.
Flu activity continues to decline
March 9, 2018
Influenza-related pediatric deaths dropped below double digits for the first time in 6 weeks.
Opioid deaths in the ED increase nationally
March 6, 2018
Opioid overdose deaths have reached an all-time high across the country.
Flu season shows signs of slowing
February 23, 2018
Flu outpatient activity down for second consecutive week, but hospitalizations continue to rise.
FDA warns against clarithromycin use in patients with heart disease
February 23, 2018
Clarithromycin may lead to an increased chance of heart problems or death years after use.
Flu increase may be slowing
February 16, 2018
Flu outpatient activity held steady, but hospitalizations continued to rise at a record rate.
Building a better U.S. health care system
February 15, 2018
International comparisons suggest that the U.S. health care system could learn some lessons from other high-income nations.
Consent and DNR orders
February 14, 2018
Where have the courts set the lines over the issue of consent surrounding decisions to withhold CPR?
This is what a flu pandemic looks like
February 9, 2018
At first glance, activity level appears to equal the pandemic of 2009-2010.
MedPAC: Medicare hospital readmissions program is working
February 8, 2018
WASHINGTON – Not everyone was convinced by MedPAC staff analysis.