• News

    Scapular Pain

    May 1, 2007

    A review of rhomboid spasm

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    SHM Behind the Scenes

    May 1, 2007

    Boldly Go Where No Physicians Have Gone Before

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    SHM Launches Geriatric Special Interest Group

    May 1, 2007

    Developed by members for members

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    Dysphagia, Dizziness, and Dysarthria

    March 2, 2007

    Brief history: A 32-year-old female presents with dysphagia, dizziness, and dysarthria. Salient findings: Chest X-ray demonstrates many embolization coils within both lungs. Photographs demonstrate superficial telangiectasias of the tongue and distal phalanx.

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    In the Literature

    February 2, 2007

    Hospital Quality for AMI, Testing Dual Antiplatelet Therapy, Inhaled Insulin Therapy, and More

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    From Weapon to Wonder Drug

    February 2, 2007

    How deadly mustard gas became the first effective chemotherapeutic agent

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    Constructive Criticism

    February 2, 2007

    A look at the best ways to correct your peers’ performance through a formal review process

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    Fibromuscular Dysplasia

    February 2, 2007

    Brief history: 52-year-old female with uncontrolled hypertension. Salient findings: The middle third of the arteries are involved with a “string of pearls” appearance of alternating webs and stenoses. This appearance is classic for fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD) (white arrow, above).

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    New Party in Power

    February 2, 2007

    The Democrats’ midterm victory could result in winning healthcare legislation

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    Hospital Medicine 2007

    February 2, 2007

    A celebration of 10 years