Week On, Week Off Schedules Make Balancing Work-Life Demands Tough for Some Hospitalists
March 1, 2013
Physicians who favor the work model enjoy having seven days off to focus on family, while those opposed prefer a five-day work week
Experts Debate Pros and Cons of Seven Days On, Seven Days Off Work Schedule
March 1, 2013
Familiar hospital medicine work model popular with some for its distinct time-off structure, criticized by others as inflexible and financially unstable
Former Hospitalist Gets Satisfaction Helping Physicians Launch Nonclinical Careers
March 1, 2013
Philippa Kennealy, MD, traded her place in a family physician practice to pursue her passion for helping people
Medicare Billing Regulations for Nonphysician Providers Vary by State, Facility
March 1, 2013
State laws determine Medicare services that can be billed, provided by nurse practitioners and physician assistants
Affordable Care Act Provides Two-Year Increase in Medicaid Payments for Primary-Care Services
March 1, 2013
Medicaid-to-Medicare parity regulation will increase total revenue for some hospitalist groups
Hospital Medicine Group Leaders Strive to Balance Administrative, Clinical Tasks
March 1, 2013
For some hospitalist group leaders, taking a lighter clinical workload allows them to fulfill administrative duties as well
Automated Hospital Inpatient Assignment Program Increases Efficiency, Coordination of Care
March 1, 2013
Computerized program evenly distributes hospitalist workload
Tips to Help Hospital Medicine Group Leaders Know When to Grow Their Service
February 2, 2013
Networking with other hospital medicine group leaders, staying flexible, and using benchmark data can help pinpoint the right time to expand
Fundamentals of Highly Reliable Organizations Could Benefit Hospitalists
February 2, 2013
Hospitalists can have a huge impact on organizational efficacy by being mindful of avoiding on-the-job failures
Hospital Medicine Experts Outline Criteria To Consider Before Growing Your Group
February 2, 2013
Quantifying hospital data, examining physician and administrative buy-in, and conducting market analysis are critical to making difficult expansion decisions