ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to SHM Annual Meeting Course Director and Keynote Speaker
April 1, 2013
Bonus excerpts from interviews with HM13 course director Dan Brotman and HM13 keynote speaker David Feinberg
The Process of Selling a Hospitalist Group from Start to Finish
April 1, 2013
Guidelines for mergers and acquisitions for hospital medicine practices of any size
Robotic Vaporizers Reduce Hospital Bacterial Infections
April 1, 2013
New technology decreases spread of C. diff, MRSA, other superbugs, research shows
Digital Diagnostic Tools Unpopular with Patients, Study Finds
April 1, 2013
Patients fear computerized clinical decision support will reduce face time with physicians
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Society of Physician Entrepreneurs Co-Founder Talks about MD Career Changes
March 2, 2013
Entrepreneur Jeffrey N. Hausfeld, MD, MBA, FACS, managing director of FMS Financial Solutions, Greenbelt, Md., co-founder and treasurer of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs.
Survey Shows Five-Year Decrease in Employee Benefits, Paid Time Off for Hospitalists
March 2, 2013
Findings reported in SHM's 2012 State of Hospital Medicine survey
HMX Term of the Month: Achievement Points
March 2, 2013
Achievement points are awarded to a hospital by comparing an individual hospital’s performance measure rates during a certain period with all hospitals’ rates during the baseline period
Is Your Hospital Medicine Group a Good Candidate for Project BOOST?
March 2, 2013
An eagerness to improve the hospital discharge process is a key quality for Project BOOST candidates
Hospitalists Urged to Help Reduce 30-Day Readmission Rate
March 2, 2013
Healthcare expert encourages hospitalists to use methods and assessment tools of the Project BOOST program to avoid unnecessary patient readmissions
Physicians Exercise Their Entrepreneurial Skills, Creativity to Pursue Passions Beyond Clinical Medicine
March 2, 2013
Career shifts can help hospitalists broaden horizons, strike better work-life balance