• News

    Many Older Acute MI Patients Don’t Complete Rehab

    August 11, 2015

    (Reuters Health) - Most older adults who are hospitalized for acute myocardial infarction do not attend even one of the recommended cardiac rehabilitation sessions, according to a new study. Cardiac rehab increases physical and cardiovascular fitness through structured exercise and

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    Listen Now: HM15 RIV Poster Presenters Discuss Research Projects

    August 4, 2015

    Two hospitalists who presented RIV posters at HM15 talk about their projects. Dr. Brian Poustinchian worked on a bedside rounding study at Midwestern University in Illinois, and Dr.

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    PHM15: Writing and Publishing Quality Improvement (QI)

    August 4, 2015

    Presenters: Dr. Patrick Brady, Dr. Michele Saysana, Dr. Christine White, and Dr. Mark Shen. Session analysis: QI is about making positive changes in the delivery of healthcare. Multiple QI interventions are been implemented daily throughout our hospitals.

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    TeamHealth Announces $1.6 Billion Acquisition of IPC Healthcare

    August 4, 2015

    TeamHealth has acquired IPC Healthcare in an all-cash transaction with an enterprise value of approximately $1.6 billion, or $80.25 per share, according to a release on the TeamHealth website.

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    PHM15: Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Management in Febrile Infants

    July 30, 2015

    Drs. Pate and Engel presented a hot topic in pediatric hospital medicine, sparking fruitful conversation about current evidence, identified gaps, and controversies regarding the management of febrile infants with urinary tract infections.

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    Most Important Elements of End-of-Life Care

    July 29, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_10755" align="alignright" width="275"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM[/caption] An Australian team conducted a literature review of expected deaths in the hospital—where the majority of deaths in the developed world occur—and identified elements of end-of-life care that ar

  • News

    New Expectations for Value-Based Healthcare

    July 29, 2015

    A new book by three leading hospital medicine advocates for maximizing efficiency and outcomes while managing costs and avoiding waste in healthcare—also known as value-based healthcare—offers a primer filled with practical advice for doctors and other clinicians.1 The hospitalist authors of Underst

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    Tips for Hospitalists on Spending More of Their Time at the Top of Their License

    July 29, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_10717" align="alignright" width="250"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.COMI think arranging post-hospital appointments should be no more difficult for the hospitalist than ordering a CBC.[/caption] Hospitalists spend too little time working at the top of their license.

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    Specialty Hospitalists May Be Coming to Your Hospital Soon

    July 29, 2015

    Nearly 20 years ago, Bob Wachter, MD, coined the term “hospitalist,” defining a new specialty caring for the hospitalized medical patient.

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    Joint Commission Leaders Call on Physicians to Embrace Quality Improvement

    July 29, 2015

    In a May 12 JAMA “Viewpoint” article, Mark Chassin, MD, FACP, MPP, MPH, The Joint Commission’s president and CEO, and David Baker, MD, FACP, MPH, The Joint Commission’s vice president for healthcare quality evaluation, called on American physicians to acquire the necessary skills to take on new resp