• News

    Unassigned, Undocumented Patients Take a Toll on Healthcare and Hospitalists

    December 3, 2015

    When a patient must remain in the acute care hospital setting—despite being well enough to transition to a lower level of care, costs continue to mount as the patient receives care at the most expensive level. “But policymakers must understand that reducing support for essential hospitals might s

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    99% of Medical-Device Monitoring Alerts Not Actionable

    December 3, 2015

    Nearly all medical-device monitoring alerts on regular hospital units were found not to be actionable, according to a study by pediatrician and researcher Chris Bonafide, MD, MSCE, at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, based on reviewing hours of video from patient rooms.1 Reference Bonafide

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    ICD-10 Flexibility Helps Transition to New Coding Systems, Principles, Payer Policy Requirements

    December 1, 2015

    Effective October 1, providers submit claims with ICD-10-CM codes. As they adapt to this new system, physicians, clinical staff, and billers should be relying on feedback from each other to achieve a successful transition.

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    Guide Helps Hospitalists Choose Most Appropriate Catheter for Patients

    November 30, 2015

    The Michigan Appropriateness Guide for Intravenous Catheters (MAGIC) is a new resource designed to help clinicians select the safest and most appropriate peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) for individual patients. “How do you decide which catheter is best for your patient?

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    Institute of Medicine Report Examines Medical Misdiagnoses

    November 30, 2015

    In the latest report in its series on quality and patient safety in healthcare, the Institute of Medicine addresses the challenge of errors in medical diagnoses. Authors of the IOM’s “Improving Diagnosis in Health Care” report cite problems in communication and limitations in electronic health re

  • News

    Quality Improvement Initiative Targets Sepsis

    November 30, 2015

    A quality improvement (QI) initiative at University Hospital in Salt Lake City aims to save lives and cut hospital costs by reducing inpatient sepsis mortality. Program co-leaders, hospitalists Devin Horton, MD, and Kencee Graves, MD, of University Hospital, launched the initiative as a pilot pro

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    Poor Continuity of Patient Care Increases Work for Hospitalist Groups

    November 30, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_12166" align="alignright" width="295"] Image Credit: ILLUSTRATION/PAUL JUESTRICH; PHOTOs shutterstock.com[/caption] I think every hospitalist group should diligently try to maximize hospitalist-patient continuity, but many seem to adopt schedules and other operational prac

  • News

    ICD-10 Under ACP Scrutiny

    November 19, 2015

    NEW YORK - While the new International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) codes offer greater diagnostic precision, their implementation will require training of clinicians, coders, and other staff to minimize payment denials or delays from both public and

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    Policy Changes Hospitalists May See in 2016

    November 4, 2015

    The year 2015 brought the repeal of the sustainable growth rate (SGR) and new rules for advanced care planning reimbursement.

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    Eliminations Hospitalist Groups Should Consider

    November 4, 2015

    [caption id="attachment_11771" align="alignright" width="295"] Image Credit: SHUTTERSTOCK.COM[/caption] Editor’s note: Second in a continuing series of articles exploring ways hospitalist groups can cut back. In last month’s column, I made the case that most hospitalist groups should think abo