Five Situations Where Hospitalists Need a Healthcare Attorney
May 4, 2016
It is inevitable that, at some point in your career, you will need to hire a healthcare attorney. Proper representation is the best way to ensure a positive outcome in any situation. [caption id="attachment_12942" align="alignright" width="150"] Dr.
Benefits of Earlier Palliative Care
May 3, 2016
Offering palliative care early to hospitalized patients with multiple serious conditions could improve care and help reduce healthcare spending, according to “Palliative Care Teams’ Cost-Saving Effect Is Larger for Cancer Patients with Higher Numbers of Comorbidities,” published in Health Affairs.
Email Alerts Can Help Improve Quality in a Hospital
May 3, 2016
Alert emails can be a simple, low-cost means of improving quality in a hospital, as the Department of Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston learned.
Proposals Pave the Way for New Drugs
April 30, 2016
To promote achievable solutions in the ongoing debate on drug financing, Anthem, Inc.
Video Feedback Can Be a Helpful Tool for QI, Patient Safety
April 30, 2016
Procedures are the most expensive item in healthcare, but tremendous variation remains in quality. “In part that’ s because we have weak systems of peer support and in part because medicine sanctions a physician to do procedures, and then for the next 40 or 50 years, a surgeon can receive no inpu
Attributes of Successful Hospitalist Groups
April 27, 2016
In the first two installments of my own list of attributes that are important underpinnings of successful hospitalist groups, I covered group culture and decision making, recruiting, the importance of a written policy and procedure manual and performance dashboard, and roles for advanced practice cl
Tool Offers Hand Hygiene Help
April 23, 2016
The healthcare industry is not yet at zero when it comes to healthcare-associated infections—and that’s a problem.
When Introducing Innovations, Context Matters
April 23, 2016
Are we overlooking factors that could help bring about necessary changes to the healthcare industry? Elliott S.
Administrators Share Strategies for High-Performing Hospitalist Groups at HM16
April 7, 2016
In November, Barbara Weisenbach took a new job as practice manager for the hospitalist group at Northwest Hospital in Seattle. She’s an experienced administrator but as for hospital medicine, not so much.
Tips for Policy and Procedure Manuals, Along with Roles for NP/PAs
March 31, 2016
Editor’s note: Second in a three-part series. This month continues my list of important issues that help position your hospitalist group for greatest success.