Tips for Improving Early Discharge Rates
May 29, 2016
Discharging patients before noon has many advantages: It creates open beds to accommodate the surge in admissions in the afternoon and helps minimize the bottleneck in system-wide patient flow, says Ragu P.
Things Hospitalists Want Hospital Administrators to Know
May 24, 2016
I think it is really cool that this publication has a series of articles on “What Cardiologists [or infection disease specialists, nephrologists, etc.] Want Hospitalists to Know.” I’m always interested to see which clinical topics made the list and which I’m already reasonably familiar with versus k
New Community-Based Palliative Care Certification to Launch
May 22, 2016
The industry’s first certification for home health and hospices that provide top-caliber community-based palliative care services in the patient’s place of residence is being launched by The Joint Commission. [caption id="attachment_15024" align="alignright" width="300"] Image Credit: Shuttershoc
Early Follow-up Can Reduce Readmission Rates
May 22, 2016
Heart failure patients who had early follow-up (within seven days of discharge) with general medicine or cardiology providers had a lower risk of being readmitted to the hospital within 30 days, according to a study from Kaiser Permanente published in the journal Medical Care. “We found that foll
Dr. Hospitalist: Improper, Aggressive Billing Raises Ethical, Legal Concerns
May 21, 2016
Dear Dr. Hospitalist: I am a seasoned hospitalist at a large academic medical center in the Northeast and have recently become more bothered by how our group is being coerced to aggressively bill for our services.
Barriers to Achieving High Reliability
May 10, 2016
The conceptual models being used in healthcare’s efforts to achieve high reliability may have weaknesses, according to Marc T. Edwards, MD, MBA, author of “An Organizational Learning Framework for Patient Safety,” published in the American Journal of Medical Quality.
Is Email an Endangered Species?
May 10, 2016
Forty-five years ago, an engineer in Boston sent an electronic message between two computers some 10 feet apart.
Benefits of Hospital-Wide Mortality Reviews
May 9, 2016
Death is a subject everyone cares about—but we could talk about it more, especially in hospitals, where a lot of people die.
Tackling the Readmissions Problem
May 7, 2016
Virtually every hospital system in the country deals with the challenge of readmissions, especially 30-day readmissions, and it’s only getting worse.
New Hospitalist Billing Code Should Benefit Hospitalists, Patients
May 5, 2016
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced that within the year hospitalists will be assigned their own specialty designation code. [caption id="attachment_14677" align="alignright" width="300"] Illustration/Paul Juestrich; Photos[/caption] Up to