U.S. health care policy: What lies ahead?
January 5, 2017
Uncertainty is the new normal – still, experts say hospitalists are primed to help shape American health care.
Ready for post-acute care?
January 5, 2017
As PAC expands, hospital medicine’s role – and leadership – will be key.
Effective hospitalist roles for NPs, PAs
December 16, 2016
Single-site study offers success story, isn’t one-size-fits-all solution.
Seeing the Future of Hospital Medicine
December 15, 2016
Hospitalists touch the lives of patients and shape health systems’ practices and health policy on a national and international scale according to an editorial titled “The Next 20 Years of Hospital Medicine: Continuing to Foster the Mind, Heart, and Soul of Our Field.”1 “This editorial was my refl
Promoting the Health of Healthcare Employees
December 15, 2016
Provisions in the Affordable Care Act encourage hospitals to work with their communities to improve population health.
Tips for Working with Difficult Doctors
December 9, 2016
Intimidation, verbal outbursts, refusing to perform tasks—what to do when a nightmare doc is on your team
Strategies for Preventing Patient Falls
December 8, 2016
Between 700,000 and 1 million people fall each year in U.S. hospitals, and about a third of those result in injuries that add an additional 6.3 days to hospital stays, according to a report from the Joint Commission Center for Transforming Healthcare. Some 11,000 falls are fatal.
Helping Patients Quit Smoking
December 8, 2016
Inpatient hospitalization can be a key time for patients to quit smoking, according to an abstract called “No More Butts: An Automated System for Inpatient Smoking Cessation Team Consults.”1 “Tobacco smoking continues to be one of the most important public health threats that we face,” says lead
Hospitalists See Benefit from Working with ‘Surgicalists’
December 7, 2016
The collaboration is widely supported by hospitalists because it brings several advantages, mainly a greater availability of the surgeon for consult.
Keeping up with New Payment Models
December 7, 2016
For hospitalists, the arrival of the Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS, originally Physician Quality Reporting Initiative, or PQRI) marks the swerve in reimbursement complexity