Practice management skills more relevant than ever
May 24, 2017
LAS VEGAS – Welcome to managing a practice, circa 2017. The day-to-day doings of an HM group – recruiting, retention, compensation, scheduling and more – are the backbone of the specialty.
HM17 session summary: Building a practice that people want to be part of
May 22, 2017
Creating a “culture of ownership” by recruiting the right people, promoting physician leadership, and improving structural elements such as compensation model and schedule were topics discussed in a practice management precourse at HM17.
Is the doctor in?
May 10, 2017
A recent increase in programs that provide telehospitalists indicates continued growth in coming years.
Hospitalists’ EMR frustrations continue: SHM report
May 9, 2017
LAS VEGAS – Hospitalists say they are stymied and frustrated by continuing issues of interoperability, functionality, and access related to their electronic medical record systems.
Hospitalists prepare for MACRA, seek more changes
April 19, 2017
CMS issued final rules in October, and some changes were good news for hospitalists.
Hospitalist specialty code goes live: What ‘C6’ means for you
April 19, 2017
The long wait for the introduction of the C6 hospitalist specialty code has ended. If you are a provider, hospital, or hospitalist administrator, this new specialty designation is important.
Sneak Peak: The Hospital Leader Blog “The Impact of Hospital Design on Health – for Patients AND Providers”
April 18, 2017
We owe it to ourselves to do what we can to improve our work settings.
How’s your postacute network doing?
April 7, 2017
Hospitalists should lead the discussion with patients on postacute facility selection as it relates to which facilities are in the network and why going to a network facility is advantageous.
Transitioning from your current medical practice: an abbreviated step-by-step guide
April 5, 2017
You have decided it is time to move on from your current position and transition into a new role. While this decision is exciting, it is critical that you make a plan and take specific steps to ensure that the transition is seamless.
Sneak Peak: The Hospital Leader Blog
April 3, 2017
There is no doubt transparency is important, and patients should be informed when hospitalized as outpatients instead of as inpatients. But the wisdom of the federal NOTICE Act essentially stops there.