Reviving rural health care
September 24, 2018
Ignoring the health disparities in rural America diminishes essential parts of our health care system.
Trump, not health care, likely focus of midterm elections
September 21, 2018
Will the 2018 U.S. midterm elections prove health care to be a significant issue at the polls?
White coats and provider attire: Does it matter to patients?
September 18, 2018
Compared with photo stills and films from the 1960s, the doctors of today appear like vagabonds.
Disruptive physicians: Is this an HR or MEC issue?
September 16, 2018
Experts explain when to take disruptive behavior to human resources or the medial executive committee (or both) and the pros and cons of each path.
Hospitalist NPs and PAs note progress
September 14, 2018
Integrating NPs and PAs into hospitalist groups successfully is a “nuanced and multilayered” process.
Burnout may jeopardize patient care
September 12, 2018
Burnout was associated with unprofessionalism and higher rates of patient safety issues.
Penalties not necessary to save money in some Medicare ACOs
September 5, 2018
Groups participating in MSSP were “associated with a mean differential reduction of $302 in total Medicare spending per beneficiary in the 2012 entry of cohorts of ACOs.”
A systems-based charter on physician well-being
August 21, 2018
Real progress on burnout will be made when we stop focusing our attention, blame, and interventions on individuals.
5 HIPAA myths in the digital age
August 20, 2018
Health care security experts dispel five common misconceptions about HIPAA and electronic information.
Crystal ball: The future of hospital medicine
August 14, 2018
Hospital medicine will be functioning very differently in 10 years to respond to today’s challenges.