CMS modifies the inpatient admission order requirement, or did it?
November 15, 2018
Medicare auditors have been given discretion to overlook an inpatient order flaw, but providers have not.
Hospitalist groups explore use of medical scribes
November 13, 2018
Can medical scribes make life easier for hospitalists?
Guideline authors inconsistently disclose conflicts
November 5, 2018
Review of payment records shows some undisclosed payments of $10,000 or more.
Healthy, ethical environments can alleviate ‘moral distress’ in clinicians
October 29, 2018
Moral distress in health care providers can lead to burnout, poor retention, reduced productivity, and poorer care.
Helping alleviate hospitalist burnout
October 24, 2018
Burnout will diminish when physicians are empowered to be part of the solution.
Study: Problems persist with APMs
October 24, 2018
Concerns reported in 2014 persisted into 2018 and were joined by new concerns over the pace of change and complexity as well as issues with two-sided risk models.
“You have a pending query”
October 18, 2018
Physicians do not need to become coders, but it is helpful to have some understanding of what happens behind the scenes.
Bias in the clinical setting can impact patient care
October 12, 2018
Health care providers may harbor implicit, or unconscious, biases that contribute to health care disparities.
The new SoHM report is here, and it’s the best yet!
October 8, 2018
Use the 2018 State of Hospital Medicine Report to assess how your practice compares to your peers.
Telehealth: States broaden options for locations, providers
October 5, 2018
More states are expanding telehealth locations and broadening the pool of telemedicine providers, while fading out in-person requirements.