Medicare’s two-midnight rule
February 22, 2019
The distinction between hospitalization as inpatient versus outpatient status can affect payment.
Disruptive behavior on the job linked to depression, burnout
February 19, 2019
A work culture in which disruptive behavior is tolerated can have consequences.
Culture change needed to improve gender inequalities in medicine
February 17, 2019
LONDON – A group of prominent female physicians and thought-leaders discuss cultural changes needed to address gender inequality in science and medicine.
ONC aims to help docs, patients with information sharing in proposed rule
February 13, 2019
The HHS wants to help health professionals and patients securely and easily access electronic health information using smartphones and mobile devices.
Benefiting from an egalitarian hospital culture
February 7, 2019
Change is possible, and it can improve patient outcomes.
Public insurance income limits and hospitalizations for low-income children
February 6, 2019
If public insurance eligibility thresholds are decreased, many pediatric hospitalizations would become ineligible for coverage.
Anxiety, depression, burnout higher in physician mothers caring for others at home
January 28, 2019
While the study did not examine physician fathers, caring for someone with a major illness or disability more frequently falls to women.
New or existing drugs? Both fuel price inflation
January 12, 2019
Existing drugs, not new drugs, drove much of the inflation in brand-name drug prices.
The state of hospital medicine in 2018
January 8, 2019
Slow growth in compensation, more funds for hospital support, but productivity remains flat.
HIPAA compliance: Three cases to learn from
January 3, 2019
Security experts say physicians can learn from three 2018 HIPAA penalties by the Office for Civil Rights.