Is a telehospitalist service right for you and your group?
March 18, 2019
Hospitalists will have to determine how best to take advantage of the innovative model of care offered by telemedicine.
Advance care planning codes not being used
March 14, 2019
Few physicians are taking advantage of Medicare payment codes that reimburse them for discussing end-of-life planning with patients.
Prior authorization an increasing burden
March 13, 2019
Insurers are not following the 2018 consensus statement on improving the prior authorization process, the AMA says.
Hospitalist scheduling: A search for balance
March 7, 2019
Ensuring that the hospitalist team is right sized is an art.
Groups of physicians produce more accurate diagnoses than individuals
March 5, 2019
Diagnostic accuracy is highest in groups of physicians, compared with individuals and even specialists.
AAP: Treating patients during disasters raises liability risks
March 2, 2019
You can learn how to protect yourself from liability when caring for children during disasters with new guidance from the AAP.
Malpractice suits are less frequent – but more costly
March 2, 2019
Suits against physicians declined over a 10-year span, but the expense to defend legal challenges is rising, according to a report by CRICO.
Advancing coherence: Your “meta-leadership” objective
March 1, 2019
The Meta-Leadership model is a strategy for building coherence amid the complexity of health care operations.
The ever-evolving scope of hospitalists’ clinical services
February 26, 2019
As health care becomes ever more complex, high-functioning hospital medicine groups are needed to navigate it.
Final ‘Vision’ report addresses MOC woes
February 23, 2019
Onerous testing should be out and collaboration in, according to the Vision Commission’s report.