Productivity-based salary structure not associated with value-based culture
August 30, 2019
What hospitalist reimbursement models are associated with value-based care culture?
The ‘fun’ in leader-fun-ship
August 27, 2019
Can you bring out the best in people because of who you are and what you do?
Pediatric hospitalist certification beset by gender bias concerns
August 23, 2019
Over 1,400 sign petition to American Board of Pediatrics.
Obtain proper reimbursements with more effective documentation and coding
August 21, 2019
Hospitalists should know the factors that influence coding to ensure accuracy and compliance.
To be, or not to be … on backup?
August 19, 2019
A staffing backup system is a necessary tool for almost every practice.
Social determinants of health gaining prominence
August 16, 2019
Training to recognize patients’ social determinants of health – factors such as income, living and working conditions, and access to healthy food and transportation – is gaining traction.
Generalist knowledge is an asset
August 5, 2019
Recognition of the place for HTFMs in hospital medicine has grown in recent years.
CMS plans to give MIPS an overhaul
July 31, 2019
CMS Administrator Seema Verma said the changes are designed to make measures more relevant and reporting less burdensome. The changes received a good early review from the American Medical Association.
CMS proposes improved E/M payments, additional price transparency for hospitals
July 29, 2019
The Medicare Outpatient Prospective Payment System proposed rule for the 2020 annual update would require hospitals to publish the negotiated price by specific payer for select services that patients can schedule in advance.
Trained interpreters essential for treating non–English-speaking patients
July 28, 2019
NEW YORK – Even in a private office setting, failure to engage a trained translator is discouraged.