PHM20 Virtual: Impact of racism in medicine
September 8, 2020
The field of pediatric hospital medicine must recognize the role that race plays in propagating inequalities.
Hospitalists confront administrative, financial challenges of COVID-19 crisis
August 20, 2020
The COVID-19 crisis may present an opportunity for hospital medicine to rapidly explore different models.
Only 40% of residents said training prepped them for COVID-19
August 18, 2020
Overall, residents reported good relationships with attending physicians and nurses.
Financial planning in the COVID-19 era
August 18, 2020
Many readers have expressed the fear that their retirement savings would never recover from the COVID-19 hit.
New SHM research on EMRs calls for ‘more caring, less clicking’
August 12, 2020
EMR design should be informed by the needs of the people these products are designed to support.
Rapid cycle pediatric simulation exercises promise improved readiness
August 11, 2020
A nonjudgmental but firm critique of weaknesses during urgent care simulation exercises fosters readiness.
Coming soon: The 2020 SoHM Report!
August 10, 2020
The 2020 State of Hospital Medicine survey content is more wide ranging than ever.
COVID-19 pandemic driving huge declines in pediatric service revenue
August 7, 2020
Given the COVID-19-associated decline in patients, pediatric hospitalists are urged to adapt to a changed environment.
US News releases latest top hospitals list, adds COVID heroes
July 28, 2020
Our Hospital Heroes series is a tribute to recognizing individuals at urban and rural hospitals in communities across the country.
Men occupy most leadership roles in medicine
July 24, 2020
In pediatrics, a specialty where approximately 70% of physicians are now women, there has been progress, according to an expert.