Practice Profile
January 2, 2005
Covenant HealthCare Hospital Medicine Program
Update from the Public Policy Committee
January 2, 2005
The Public Policy Committee has spent a great deal of time in recent months learning about the current reimbursement issues facing hospitalists. It is our belief that hospitalists bring something unique to the bedside that is not being recognized by our current payor system.
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Bacterial Meningitis
January 2, 2005
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Rates, Predictors, and Outcomes of Major Hemorrhage in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation
January 1, 2005
The Anticoagulation and Risk Factors in Atrial Fibrillation (ATRIA) Study
The Fountain of Youth
January 1, 2005
Best of 2004 Annual Meeting Clinical Vignette Competition