Senate confirms Murthy as Surgeon General
March 25, 2021
He is not new to this role.
Do you want to become a hospitalist leader?
March 18, 2021
If you want to be a good leader, you need training to develop your skills.
The skill set of the ‘pluripotent’ hospitalist
March 17, 2021
Adaptability has been an especially important part of the hospitalist’s skill set in 2021.
Virtual is the new real
March 16, 2021
The need for a systematic telehealth deployment is far from being adequately fulfilled.
Hospital medicine groups are getting larger
March 8, 2021
The emergence of large groups hints at the clout and sophistication hospitalists can build by banding together.
Inpatient telemedicine can help address hospitalist pain points
March 3, 2021
The extent to which telemedicine is able to positively impact patient care will revolve around overcoming barriers.
Accessing data during EHR downtime
February 23, 2021
A web-based tool may patch discontinuity – in addition to its other functions.
Roots of physician burnout: It’s the work load
February 19, 2021
Cutting-edge research utilizes cognitive theory and work load analysis to get at the roots of the crisis among practitioners.
Key trends in hospitalist compensation from the 2020 SoHM Report
February 12, 2021
Hospitalist compensation continues to rise compared to previous years, despite relatively flat trends in total patient encounters.
The journey from burnout to wellbeing
February 8, 2021
Peers and hospital leaders can make a crucial difference in mitigating stress and burnout.