It’s Good to Be Country
January 1, 2009
Longtime hospitalist extols the many benefits of working in a rural hospital
When should a hospitalized patient be transfused?
January 1, 2009
CaseA 65-year-old male nursing home resident is sent to the emergency room with a productive cough, fever, and low blood pressure, and is diagnosed with community-acquired pneumonia. He has a...
Face-to-Face Improvement
January 1, 2009
New AMA terminology clarifies billing procedure for prolonged care services
Medicare Modifications
January 1, 2009
Key legislation provisions will impact healthcare, hospitals, and hospitalists
Beware Office Politics
January 1, 2009
Frustrated by workplace antics? Don’t play along; take the high ground
The latest research you need to know
January 1, 2009
In This EditionAspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole and clopidogrel provide similar outcomes in stroke.Traditional readings of bedside chest radiographs are insensitive in detecting intraatrial...
Inhaled Insulin: Troubled Drug Rises from the Ashes
January 1, 2009
Pfizer is out, but three competitors are charging ahead with production
The latest research you need to know
December 2, 2008
Literature at a GlanceTight glucose control in critically ill patients is not associated with reduction in short-term mortality, but it is associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia.Intensive...
New Faces in Key Places
December 2, 2008
Quality Initiatives department boosts staff, expands aggressive project list
Medicare Modifications
December 2, 2008
Key legislation provisions will affect healthcare, hospitals, and hospitalists