To Crush or Not to Crush
April 1, 2009
Do your homework before breaking down medications
Eliminate Inconsistency
April 1, 2009
Collaboration is key to reducing readmission rates in high-risk populations
The latest research you need to know
April 1, 2009
In This EditionGeneric vs. brand-name drugs.Rapid-response teams and mortality.A new prediction rule for mortality in acute pancreatitis.Viral causes of community-acquired pneumonia.Intensive insulin...
Telemedicine Can Help Solve Intensivist Shortage
April 1, 2009
Having spent my medical career in the ICU and the hospital, I have followed the recent articles on the struggle to care for ICU patients with interest. Gretchen Henkel’s article on...
Non-Physician Providers: Vital HM Resources
April 1, 2009
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Project BOOST Expands
April 1, 2009
Mentorship program takes aim at care transitions, reducing readmissions
The latest research you need to know
March 2, 2009
Literature at a GlanceA guide to this month’s studies.Score predicts risk of intracerebral hemorrhage after thrombolysis.Trigylcerides and stroke-risk predictors.PPI use and risk of...
Eagle-Eye Your Payors
March 1, 2009
Medicare’s CERT program identifies millions in improperly paid claims
What is the best antibiotic treatment for C.difficile-associated diarrhea?
March 1, 2009
CaseAn 84-year-old woman presents with watery diarrhea. She recently received a fluoroquinolone antibiotic during a hospitalization for pneumonia. Her temperature is 101 degrees, her heart rate is...
Bonus-Pay Bonanza
February 1, 2009
Stay ahead of the pay-for-performance curve with planning, metrics