Resident Restrictions Fuel HM Program Growth
February 2, 2011
Since the original ACGME duty-hours cutback in 2002, most teaching hospitals across the country have developed or expanded hospitalist-staffed, non-resident-covered medical services
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: The Exception or the Rule? Targeting the Right Patient Populations
February 2, 2011
It’s one thing to identify the factors associated with higher risk of readmission, and quite another to actively manage those patients
Shared/Split Service
January 2, 2011
Understanding qualified services is first step to reimbursement
New Resources, Opportunities for Practice Administrators
January 2, 2011
The Practice Administrators’ Roundtable Series will continue in 2011 with such topics as Hospitalist Recruitment, Retention, & Orientation (Feb. 24) and Patient Satisfaction (May 26).
January 2, 2011
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The Laborist Movement
January 2, 2011
OB hospitalists underscore desire for change in our healthcare system
Health IT Hurdles
January 2, 2011
Physician understanding, hospital compatibility among many concerns
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to HM program directors and hospital execs discuss strategies for negotiating your group’s next contract
January 1, 2011
Sound Inpatient president and CEO Rob Bessler, MD, and Christine Lum Lung, MD, FHM, medical director of Northern Colorado Hospitalists discuss the new environment for negotiating HM contracts with hospital administrators
Business Blueprint
December 2, 2010
With training and experience, hospitalists are a natural fit for leadership roles
Infection-prevention professionals, hospital officials suggest steps to simplify and streamline HAI tracking system
December 2, 2010
Infection-prevention leaders and state hospital association representatives participated in regional meetings sponsored across the country during the summer of 2009 by the U.S.