Due Diligence: Denials
May 1, 2011
Claim rejection often due to mismatched or missing information
The To-Don’t List, Part 2
May 1, 2011
HM groups should eliminate “extra” shifts, standard shift duration
CMS Requires “In-Person Encounter” to Initiate Home Health Services
May 1, 2011
The health reform law changes paperwork requirements; providers can no longer use discharge plans or transfer forms as evidence of “certification” of need for home health services
The Comanagement Conundrum
April 1, 2011
Careful negotiation, clear agreement essential to hospitalists in shared-service situations
Letters to the Editor
April 1, 2011
Pennsylvania group director sounds the call for hospitalist emancipation
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Listen to HM experts discuss comanagement opportunities
April 1, 2011
Listen to excerpts of our interviews with comanagement experts Sylvia McKean, Bob Wachter, Eric Siegal and more
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: Comanagement Business Models
April 1, 2011
HM should think more broadly about patient need
Q&A with Hospitalist Administrator Amit Prachand
April 1, 2011
Amit Prachand, MEng Division Administrator, Hospital Medicine Northwestern Memorial Hospital and Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago Question: What motivated you to join SHM’s Administrators Task Force (ATF)? A: I wanted to be able to directly interface with the comm
Q&A with Hospitalist Administrator Kristi Gylten
April 1, 2011
Kristi Gylten, MBA Director, Hospitalist Service, Rapid City (S.D.) Regional Hospital Question: What motivated you to join the Administrators Task Force (ATF)? Answer: I wanted to have the opportunity to meet and network with my peers, and to be a part of developing resources and a place “on t
The To-Don’t List
April 1, 2011
Your HM practice would be better off without these