IPAB is Medicare’s New Hammer for Spending Accountability
January 27, 2012
The Independent Payment Advisory Board will have the authority to cut Medicare provider spending to keep it below a cap, with unprecedented autonomy.
Seven-Day Schedule Could Improve Hospital Quality, Capacity
January 5, 2012
A new study evaluating outcomes for hospitals participating in the American Heart Association’s Get with the Guidelines program found no correlation between high performance on adhering to measures and care standards for acute myocardial infarction and for heart failure despite overlap between the sets of care processes.
Reconciliation Act
December 21, 2011
“Med rec” translates to effective communication at every transition of care; experts say hospitalists should own the initiative
Survey Insights: Peeking under the Hood of Academic HM
December 21, 2011
The 2011 State of Hospital Medicine report offers insights into the operation of academic hospital medicine practices and how they compare with their nonacademic peers.
HM’s Role in Helping Hospitals Profit
December 21, 2011
Hospitalists can be at the forefront of the changes needed to reduce costs and improve profitability
I Resolve…
December 21, 2011
…to embrace children's books, Twitter, and Kim Kardashian
Reimbursement Readiness
December 21, 2011
Documentation improvement, regulatory acumen key maximization of Medicare dollars
Leadership, Experience, Quality Factor into HM Compensation Formula
December 21, 2011
How physician pay varies within a single site
Annals Study Might Not Cover All Situations
December 21, 2011
Just a quick comment regarding your editorial “Fiddling as HM Burns” (The Hospitalist, August 2011, p. 62) with regard to our hospital in the Florida Panhandle.
Specialization Teams Offer Providers Opportunity, Strengthen HM Group Integrity
December 21, 2011
Of the 2.7 million visitors who visit Mount Rushmore each year, some unknowingly enlist in the Rushmore (elevation 5,725 feet) stress test.