Shift Fatigue in Healthcare Workers
February 29, 2012
The Joint Commission in December issued a “Sentinel Event Alert” on the dangers of extended shift fatigue in healthcare workers, particularly for nurses who work shifts longer than 12.5 hours.
Doctors Help Other Doctors Use Information Technology
February 29, 2012
Doctors Helping Doctors Transform Health Care, a foundation-supported, nonprofit campaign, was launched Dec. 1 in Washington, D.C., to spur greater and more effective use of health information technology (HIT) by physicians to improve quality, safety, and efficiency.
Putting the Right Patient in the Right Bed
February 29, 2012
A hospitalist-led project to improve bed assignment practices at Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, Mass., reduced errors in patient placements to 3.1% from 9.4%.
Massachusetts Healthcare Law Highlights Implications for National Healthcare Reform
February 29, 2012
The Massachusetts experience represents a microcosm of what might be expected on a national scale with the Affordable Care Act: success in covering the uninsured, but persistent access and cost challenges that can only be overcome with fundamental payment reform.
Access Problems Persist Despite Health Insurance: Lessons from Massachusetts
February 29, 2012
A surprising lesson from Massachusetts is that expanding health insurance coverage does not automatically improve access to healthcare services. Here's proof.
In the Literature: Physician Reviews of HM-Related Research
January 27, 2012
Hospitalist views on readmission prevention;2 Characteristics of hospital ICU readmission; Effect of clopidogrel on bleeding outcomes in vascular surgery; Time- versus tissue-based diagnosis of TIA; ETT versus ETT with imaging for the diagnosis of CAD in women; Effect of high urine output with adequate hydration on contrast-induced nephropathy; Stroke rate in CABG patients with severe carotid artery stenosis; Effect of cardiac arrest on long-term cognition
Wachter, Washington Insiders Ready for HM12 Keynote Addresses
January 27, 2012
This year’s presenters at SHM's annual meeting will frame the conversations that hospitalists will have at HM13
Participate in the 2012 State of Hospital Medicine Questionnaire
January 27, 2012
The report provides thousands of data points that enable hospitalists to compare their own group’s productivity and compensation against national and regional averages
Continued Pressure, Collaboration, Member Action Key to Ending SGR
January 27, 2012
Congress was going to finally put an end to the Sustainable Growth Rate formula in 2011. What happened?
Hospitalists on the Move
January 27, 2012
March S. Demyun, MD; J.P. Valin, MD; Sarah Swift, MD; David Levy, MD; Jaime Gray, MD; Vineet Arora, MD, MPP, FACP, FHM