C. Diff Deaths at All-Time High
April 26, 2012
Both incidence and deaths related to the bacterial infection Clostridium difficile have reached an all-time high, according to the CDC.
AMA Microsite Offers New Practice-Management Resources
April 26, 2012
In January, the American Medical Association announced a redesigned website for its Practice Management Center, a resource designed to help physicians manage their practice more effectively.
Hospital Quality Reporting Fails to Impact Death Rates
April 26, 2012
A study concludes that Hospital Compare, the government’s national hospital quality data reporting system, has produced no reductions in 30-day mortality rates for heart attacks and pneumonia.
SHM Should Create Task Force to Explore Reimbursement Methodology Change
April 26, 2012
I think it’s about time that we physicians take a stand and try to change some of the ridiculous word games going on in Medicare reimbursement circles.
Do Not Swab Any Superficial Dermatologic Wound Without Sterilizing the Surface
April 26, 2012
Letter in response to "10 Things Hospitalists Should Know about Infectious Disease."
In the Literature: Physician Reviews of HM-Related Research
March 31, 2012
IDSA/ATS guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia; Improved asthma with IL-13 antibody; Rivaroxaban vs. warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation; Apixaban vs. warfarin for stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation; Ultrasonography more sensitive than chest radiograph for pneumothorax; Current readmission risk models inadequate; Optimal fluid volume for acute pancreatitis; Low mortality in saddle pulmonary embolism.
Early Fluids Might Decrease Renal Morbidity in Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome
March 31, 2012
Early IV fluids might be nephroprotective in diarrhea-associated HUS.
What Are Common Causes of Glomerular Disease in Adults?
March 31, 2012
Podocyte cells, which make up the surface of the glomerulus, are pink in a 650x-magnification SEM. Glomerluar diseases can result from an acute illness, such as an upper respiratory infection, or chronic disease states, such as HIV. The Case A 52-year-old man presents with abdominal pain.
Three Earn Master of Hospital Medicine Designation
March 31, 2012
SHM is proud to announce that Patrick J. Cawley, MD, MBA, MHM, Peter K. Lindenauer, MD, MSc, FACP, MHM, and Mark V. Williams, MD, FACP, MHM, have earned the Master in Hospital Medicine designation.
Society of Hospital Medicine’s Award of Excellence Winners Lead the Way
March 31, 2012
With this year’s annual SHM Awards of Excellence, thousands of hospitalists at HM12 saluted the leaders in the specialty.