How We Did It Guidelines


The “How We Did It” series aims to highlight how individual hospitalist programs have successfully implemented innovations in medical programs, educational programs, wellness initiatives, or operational improvements. The goal is to provide practical, actionable insights to hospitalists nationwide, offering a roadmap for similar success.

Target Audience

Hospitalists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, residents, and medical administrators interested in advancing hospital medicine through innovative approaches.

Article Format

Title—Should be concise and descriptive of the innovation
Problem Statement (100-150 words)

• Describe the challenge or need that prompted the innovation
• Include background information relevant to hospital medicine

Solution Overview (200-400 words)—Provide a high-level summary of the innovation, including objectives, stakeholders, and key strategies employed

• Implementation Process (400-600 words)
• Step-by-step description of how the program was developed and rolled out
• Highlight obstacles encountered and how they were overcome
• Include timeline, resource allocation, and team involvement

Outcomes and Impact (300-500 words)

• Quantifiable and qualitative results achieved
• Improvements in patient care, operational efficiency, staff well-being, or educational effectiveness
• Include data points, testimonials, or other relevant indicators of success

Lessons Learned (150-300 words)

• Key takeaways and advice for other hospitalist programs considering similar initiatives
• Recommendations for sustaining and scaling the innovation

Future Directions (150-300 words)

• Planned next steps for the initiative
• Potential areas for improvement and further exploration

Key Takeaways—three to five key bullet points summarizing the article’s main takeaways
References—if applicable; list references in AMA style
Graphics and Supporting Materials—if applicable; tables, charts, or images illustrating the initiative’s key aspects (ensure permissions for copyrighted materials)

Submission Requirements

• Word Count: 1,500-2,500 words
• Style: Use modified AP style with AMA citation format
• Author Information: At least one author must be an SHM member. Include names, medical credentials, job titles, and workplace details (city and state). Authors will complete a Copyright Transfer Agreement and Disclosure Statement.
• Headshots: Provide high-resolution (300 dpi) headshots of each author

Submission Process

• Ensure the topic has not been covered recently by reviewing previous issues of The Hospitalist
• Submit articles via email to Lisa Casinger
• Expect a review period of four to six weeks. Authors will be notified of acceptance, requests for revisions, or rejections.