Death rate steady with pediatric early warning system
March 8, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – The findings of a new trial do not support the use of a pediatric early warning system to reduce hospital mortality.
Opioid prescriptions got shorter in 2017
March 8, 2018
Pharmacy benefits manager reports increased use of drugs to treat opioid dependence.
Haloperidol does not prevent delirium in ICU patients
March 7, 2018
Researchers explore the effects of giving prophylactic haloperidol to ICU patients.
ALT-70 score outperformed thermal imaging for cellulitis diagnosis
March 7, 2018
SAN DIEGO - The score surpassed thermal imaging on both positive and negative predictive value for diagnosing lower-extremity cellulitis.
Prehospital antibiotics improved some aspects of sepsis care
March 7, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – EMS personnel in the Netherlands received training that resulted in them being able to recognize sepsis more quickly.
Preparing to respond to workplace violence
March 7, 2018
SAN ANTONIO – The latest data show that the great majority of workplace violence is perpetrated by individuals outside the organization.
Nonopioid analgesics have no major disadvantages vs. opioids for chronic pain
March 6, 2018
Chronic pain patients may be able to improve function without increasing risk of addiction.
Opioid deaths in the ED increase nationally
March 6, 2018
Opioid overdose deaths have reached an all-time high across the country.
PICU, hospital admissions up due to opioid ingestion
March 6, 2018
The number of opioid-related hospitalizations more than doubled over a period of 11 years.
AGA Guideline: Use goal-directed fluid therapy, early oral feeding in acute pancreatitis
March 1, 2018
New guideline gives practical recommendations for the first 2 weeks of care.