Vitamin C for sepsis? Experts take sides in sharp debate
March 7, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Controversy about using vitamin C to treat sepsis has continued since unexpected results in a 2017 study.
Infective endocarditis isn’t what it used to be
March 6, 2019
Epidemiology and clinical expression of infective endocarditis are now far different from what most physicians encountered in training.
What’s the price of rude behavior in the hospital?
March 6, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Simulations suggest it might not stop colleagues from challenging diagnostic errors.
Scott Gottlieb to step down as FDA commissioner
March 5, 2019
Scott Gottlieb, MD, will be stepping down from his post as commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration in about a month.
Groups of physicians produce more accurate diagnoses than individuals
March 5, 2019
Diagnostic accuracy is highest in groups of physicians, compared with individuals and even specialists.
Take stronger steps to prevent staph infections and sepsis
March 5, 2019
CDC Vital Signs report suggests that declines in staph infections and death have leveled off.
New SOFA version could streamline outcomes research
March 4, 2019
The eSOFA includes more objective criteria and should make it easier to compare data across institutions.
Hospitalists on the Hill
March 4, 2019
Hill Day at HM19 promises to be important and gratifying – and fun too.
AAP: Treating patients during disasters raises liability risks
March 2, 2019
You can learn how to protect yourself from liability when caring for children during disasters with new guidance from the AAP.
Second extubation attempts should be judged on their own merits
March 2, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Study shows that changes in parameters between first and second extubation attempts did not predict success.