Andexanet alfa effectively reverses factor Xa inhibition
March 18, 2019
HONOLULU – The drug establishes good or excellent hemostasis in 82% of patients with acute major bleeding associated with factor Xa inhibition.
Is a telehospitalist service right for you and your group?
March 18, 2019
Hospitalists will have to determine how best to take advantage of the innovative model of care offered by telemedicine.
The power of policy at HM19
March 15, 2019
Featured speaker will be Dr. Reena Duseja, acting director of the Quality Measurement and Value-based Incentives Group at CMS.
Journal of Hospital Medicine launches new clinical guidelines series
March 15, 2019
New formats enable busy clinicians to quickly understand the latest research and apply it to practice.
Learning from the history of hospitals
March 15, 2019
Between the Guidelines will explore areas where established clinical guidelines don’t offer much help.
Advance care planning codes not being used
March 14, 2019
Few physicians are taking advantage of Medicare payment codes that reimburse them for discussing end-of-life planning with patients.
Hospital-onset sepsis twice as lethal as community-onset disease
March 14, 2019
SAN DIEGO – Quality of care differences could be one factor explaining the greater mortality.
Developing clinical mastery at HM19
March 13, 2019
New educational minitrack at HM19 will emphasize skills required for bedside diagnostic mastery.
Prior authorization an increasing burden
March 13, 2019
Insurers are not following the 2018 consensus statement on improving the prior authorization process, the AMA says.
Crafting a “well-rounded” program
March 13, 2019
Dr. Dustin Smith highlights top sessions at the SHM 2019 annual conference.