ONC’s Dr. Rucker: Era of provider-controlled data is over
April 3, 2019
WASHINGTON – Interoperability going forward means putting the power in the hands of the patients, according to the government’s top health data official.
Malpractice: More lawsuits does not equal more relocations
April 3, 2019
Physicians who have been sued multiple times are no more likely to relocate geographically than doctors who have never faced a claim, a new analysis shows.
Highlighting the value in high-value care
April 2, 2019
First, make the information more consumer friendly.
30-day readmissions after STEMI with cardiogenic shock 13%
April 2, 2019
WASHINGTON – Risk factors for 30-day readmission included female sex, older age, and comorbidities.
AI will change the practice of medicine
April 1, 2019
Coming changes in the profession will make it even more crucial.
More chest compression–only CPR leads to increased survival rates
April 1, 2019
This alternative for bystanders raises both CPR performance rates and patient survival.
Artesunate to become first-line malaria treatment in U.S.
March 28, 2019
Artesunate will become the first-line treatment for malaria in the United States, following the discontinuation of quinidine.
Ticagrelor reversal agent looks promising
March 28, 2019
NEW ORLEANS – Ticagrelor’s antiplatelet effect was squelched within 5 minutes.
Report calls for focus on ‘subpopulations’ to fight opioid epidemic
March 27, 2019
“Methadone, buprenorphine, and extended-release naltrexone ... save lives” but most people with OUD get no treatment, new report says.
Better communication with pharmacists can improve postop pain control
March 27, 2019
A pharmacist advises surgeons to make sure to adjust medications based on preoperative or intraoperative doses to avoid endangering patients by inadvertently doubling up on doses.