Only 1.5% of individuals at high risk of opioid overdose receive naloxone
May 3, 2019
“Clinicians can address this gap by regularly prescribing naloxone to eligible patients.”
Breaking the high-utilization cycle
May 2, 2019
Cooperative method addresses unnecessary testing, ineffective treatment plans.
Bringing hospitalist coverage to critical access hospitals
May 1, 2019
Virtual hospitalists can expand coverage.
Reducing sepsis mortality
April 30, 2019
A new tool will help identify root causes and ways to address them.
Just a series of fortunate events?
April 29, 2019
Commit to learning new skills that can increase your impact and career diversity, says Dr. Greg Maynard.
Most measles cases in 25 years prompts government pleas to vaccinate
April 29, 2019
CDC update coincides with National Infant Immunization Week campaign to reinforce message that vaccines are safe and effective.
Combo respiratory pathogen tests miss pertussis
April 29, 2019
BALTIMORE – Standalone pertussis PCR is best.
Long-term antibiotic use may heighten stroke, CHD risk
April 28, 2019
Among middle-aged and older women, 2 or more months’ exposure to antibiotics is associated with an increased likelihood of cardiovascular disease.
Utilizing mentorship to achieve equity in leadership
April 26, 2019
The evidence is there that mentorship can play a major role in advancing careers.
Does BMI affect outcomes after ischemic stroke?
April 26, 2019
Overweight and obese patients have greater survival and less risk of disability after acute ischemic stroke, according to an analysis of the FAST-MAG study.