Daily aspirin use may not improve CV outcomes in healthy elderly
June 28, 2019
What are the benefits and risks of daily aspirin use for primary prevention in healthy elderly adults?
FDA issues warning on insulin pump cybersecurity weakness
June 28, 2019
The MiniMed 508 and MiniMed Paradigm series insulin pumps are being recalled because of potential cybersecurity risks; 4,000 patients in the United States are affected.
Short Takes
June 27, 2019
Restrictive transfusion strategy for cardiac surgery patients remains noninferior at 6 months post op.
Subset of patients benefits from in-hospital sleep apnea screening
June 26, 2019
SAN ANTONIO – Readmission rates can be reduced in hospitalized cardiac patients who use CPAP consistently.
Becoming a high-value care physician
June 26, 2019
Practicing high-value care is not just a matter of ordering fewer tests.
MedPAC to Congress: End “incident-to” billing
June 26, 2019
Access to care should not be affected by paying nurse practitioners and physician assistants 85% of the physician fee every time.
What’s new in pediatric sepsis
June 26, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – Don’t obsess about “Golden Hour” for delivering sepsis treatment bundle, expert advises.
Repeated qSOFA measurements better predict in-hospital mortality from sepsis
June 26, 2019
Do repeated quick Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA) measurements improve predictive validity for sepsis using in-hospital mortality, compared with a single qSOFA measurement at the time a clinician first suspects infection?
Medicare may best Medicare Advantage at reducing readmissions
June 25, 2019
Editorialists provide reasons to exercise caution when interpreting the results.
What drives intensification of antihypertensive therapy at discharge?
June 25, 2019
Are decisions to intensify antihypertensive medication regimens appropriate in older hospitalized adults?