Hospital slashes S. aureus vancomycin resistance
August 7, 2019
LJUBLJANA, SLOVENIA – Staphylococcus aureus resistance to vancomycin is not a one-way street ending in a cliff plunge.
Maximize your leadership in academic hospital medicine
August 7, 2019
AHA Level 2 aims to help hospitalists identify and acquire the skills necessary to advance their career.
CDC finds that too little naloxone is dispensed
August 6, 2019
Despite increases in the number of naloxone prescriptions dispensed, many patients at risk for overdose are not offered the potentially life-saving treatment, according to an analysis of national retail pharmacy data.
IV fluid weaning unnecessary after gastroenteritis rehydration
August 6, 2019
SEATTLE – Saving “even a couple hours” to get kids out of the hospital quicker matters.
Burnout gets personal for 68% of physicians
August 6, 2019
Young primary care providers beware.
Professional coaching keeps doctors in the game
August 5, 2019
Mayo study looks at another technique to help doctors avoid burnout.
Generalist knowledge is an asset
August 5, 2019
Recognition of the place for HTFMs in hospital medicine has grown in recent years.
Older patients who stop statins may be increasing their cardiovascular risk
August 2, 2019
Discontinuation of statins was associated with an increased risk of hospital admission for a cardiovascular event.
Too many blood cultures ordered for pediatric SSTIs
August 2, 2019
SEATTLE – Culture draws were associated with a 20% increase in hospital length of stay.
AI technology meets AFib detection
August 2, 2019
An AI-enabled ECG model suggests clinical implications for early identification of atrial fibrillation.